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Wednesday, December 9, 2009
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Sunday, October 25, 2009
A mother is looking to the Galileoscope with great surprise |
Bangladesh Astronomical Society arranged the Celebration of Galilean Night on 24 October, 2009 in the lawn of Mohakash Bhaban, Enayetpur, Bangladesh. About 200 students and teachers from different Schools of the locality including a large numbers of space enthusiasts had participated in it. Students were supplied 20 Galileoscopes brought from Tokyo, Japan, through which they had observed the surface of the Moon which was fairly visible due to cloudless sky and early lunar phase
A student is eagerly awaiting his turn to use Galileoscope |
condition. One Refractor Telescope was also set up at the observation site through which students observed the surface of the moon very clearly. Students were excited to use the Galileoscopes for observation of the Moon which were first time in their life and many insisted for arrangement of such kind of Sky Observational Programmes in future. The Galilean Night at Enayetpur was observed in a very festive mood. It continued for 2 hours from 19.30 to 21.30. It was conducted by F. R. Sarker, General Secretary, Bangladesh
Banner of Galilean Night was hung at Mohakash Bhaban |
Astronomical Society and the Chair of Bangladesh Node for International Year of Astronomy and was assisted by Wahiduzzaman Wahid, Principal, ICL School, Enayetpur. F. R. Sarker explained the objectives of the celebration of Galilean Night and answered various questions of the students and space enthusiasts. During the time of Observation, Jupiter, the biggest planet of Solar System was hovering on the mid-southwest position of the sky and the participants were very amazed to observe this spectacular planet. Celebration of
Celebration of Galilean Night with Galileoscopes |
Galilean Nights at Enayetpur was a memorable event and it encouraged students and space enthusiasts to turn their eyes to sky to explore the mysteries of the universe.
Galileoscopes pointed are towards the Moon |
Mohakash Bhaban, the Space Museum ,at Enayetpur, Bangladesh |
Sky Observation with Banner of Galilean Night |
Space enthusiasts look at the sky with Galileoscope |
Students are looking through Refractor Telescope to see the surface of the Moon clearly |
Students are observing the Moon through Galleoscopes |
Monday, July 20, 2009
Bangladesh Uttaran Sangskritik Shangsad (Bausas)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Enayetpur Islamia High School
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Enayetpur Spur
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Annual Events of the Enayetpur Darbar Sharif
Following dates are annually observed as per Bangla calendar. Each occasion is observed with milad mahfil, zikr, faraz, sunnat and nafl prayers, fateha and khatam sharifs, etc. Zakers congregate at the Darbar Sharif to observe the following annual rites.
- 18th Falgoon – death anniversary of Enayetpuri in Bangla (1358 Bangla) know as 2nd URS, as it is the second biggest event at the Khanqah
- 20th Asar - Enayetpuri’s first wife’s death anniversary
- 25th Falgoon – Enayetpuri’s 2nd wife’s death anniversary
- 10th Bhadra – 1st Peerjada’s (son) death anniversary
- 30th Ashwin – 2nd Peerjada’s death anniversary
- 10th Agrahawan – 4th Peerjada’s death anniversary
- 25th Kartik – 17 Safar – Besalat of Shah Sufi Wajed Ali (Murshid of Enayetpuri)
- 28th Safar – Besalat (death) of Mozadded Al-Fesani Imam
The following religious rituals and rites are observed as per lunar calendar in a befitting manner at the Monastery with due religious fervour. Fateha Sharif, Khatam Sharif and all the wazîfa (practices) are necessary parts of the ways of observing the holy days along with daily 5 times prayers.
- 12th Rabiul Awal – Milad un Nabi (birth of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s)
- 11th Rabius Sani – Fateha Yaj Dahm (birth of Hazrat Abdul Kadir Jilani)
- 10th Maharram – Holy Ashrua Sharif
- 27th Rajab – Holy Meraj Sharif (ascent of the Prophet)
- Shaban – Lailatul Barat (Shabe Barat)
- 27th Ramadhan – Lailatul Qadr
- 1st Sawaal – Eid ul Fitr
- 10th Jilhajj – Eid ul Azha
This is the biggest event at any monastery. Annual Urs Sharif is observed at the Enayetpur Darbar Sharif between January and February (Poush and Magh) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hundreds of thousands of Zakers from Bangladesh and India congregate at the Monastery to observe the death anniversary of their Pir-O-Murshid, Khwaja Enayetpuri. The 3-day long URS commences on Friday after Zumma prayer with flag hoisting, a convention followed by his Spiritual Shaikhs or Murshids, and ends on Sunday with akheri (final) Munazat (supplication) to Allah, asking for maghferat (blessings) for the departed soul and the whole world, particularly, Bangladesh. Along side all the daily wazaif, five times regular prayers as per Shariyat and supplication (Munazat) with Nafl prayers are offered during the URS.
" Introduction to Enayetpur Darbar Sharif "
Ya Allahu Ya Rahmanu Ya Rahim
Biswa Shanti Manzil (World Peace Center)
Enayetpur Darbar Sharif
Enayetpur Darbar Sharif Complex consists of:
• Area – 4 acres 56 decimals, covering 10 acres when Zakers gather during Urs
• The Holy Tomb of Khwaja Enayetpuri, r.a.
• Boroitala (Sidra Talmun Taha) - place of teaching spirituality among the Zakers. During URS this place is chosen for Fateha sharif, Khatam sharif, etc
• Shewratola – place of meeting Zakers and disseminating ‘talqini’ (spiritual training)
• Kotha – place of rest, special prayer, du’ah and night ebadat for Enayetpuri
• Ofat Sharif – place (bed) from where Enayetpuri left this world
• Headquarters – place of tickets for Zakers during Urs Mubarak
• Khanqah-e-Mozadded – place of day time moraqaba, miracles of Enayetpuri
• Mosque- accommodates 25 thousand devotees
• Islamia Alia Madrasa (semi govt) – 22 Mudares (teachers) with 350 students
• Hujra Sharif – residence with family of Enayetpuri
• Daira Sharif – resting place of Murids at the complex
• Khabar Khana – a big open space where Murids are offered daily meals known as tabarak. There is a separate place of this kind for women zakers.
• Daktarkhana – makeshift pharmacy with first-aid and homeopath medicines
• Khwaja Library – Enayetpur Darbar Sharif is also a publisher of rare books on Islam and Sufism. The library contains numerous manuscripts on Khwaja Enayetpuri and Sufism.
• Guest House – a 2-storied building known as Guest House, lodging high govt and semi govt VIP officials and other elites casually and occasionally perform Ziyarat (pilgrimage to the site of the holy place) at this Mazar (tomb)
• Khwaja Enayetpuri Centre for Research in Sufism – located in the Guest House this centre contains a large number of books, journals, articles, documentaries and others mostly in Bangla and English on Sufism
Sunday, June 28, 2009
"Urs" Sharif

Now, is 'Urs' Islamic? This question is often raised by fundamental Muslims. We would like to shed some light on this issue.
'Urs' is an Arabic word. In dictionary, a number of meanings are observed. Dictionary meanings of the word 'urs' include walima, marriage, flowery nuptial bed, etc. The above mentioned meanings are found in Logate Sayedi, Logate Firoji or Meshbahul Logate. Besides, the term 'urs' has two other meanings:
1. Union 2. Religious function organized on the occasion of anniversary of death of Awli-Allah or Pir-e-Kamils to have sawab resani (blessing) on their holly souls. In the book 'Perso-Arabic elements in Bengali' edited by Dr. Sheikh Gholam Maqsud, the following meanings are observed: anniversary in memory of a saint. In the Bangla Dictionary, edited by Dr. Enamul Huq and published by Bangla Academy, the following meaning has been given: Holy functions at the mausoleum of Awli-Darbesh.
The etymological meaning of the word 'urs' is union. Awli-Allah or the saints of the mystics of the secret knowledge of Allah go in close contact with Allah just after their death and unite with Him. This union takes place between the lover and the beloved, between universal soul and the pure soul. This union is a very happy one. And, since death helps to materialize this union Prophet Muhammad (sm) said: "Death is such a bridge that brings about union between friends." This great happy spiritual union is the good luck of the prophet and representatives of the prophets, that is, the Awli-Allah, for they hold the status of friendship. They fight with Nafse-Ammara, defeat Nafse-Ammara in this Jihade Akbar (great war against nafs or self), get them free from the servitude of the world, and set at naught all physical attractions and attachment to the material world. The Sufi reaches the highest stage of spirituality and comes closer to the nearness of Allah, attains the pleasure of Allah and holds the status of friendship with Allah. That is why, the mystics enjoy good fortune to become united with the divine soul, i.e. Allah the Exalt just after their death. This is a highly joyous and spiritual union. This spiritual union is willed, for death paves the way of this glorious union. And the day on which the pure soul of the saint unites with the Divine Soul, some religious festivities are observed for conveying sawab resani on the pure soul of the saint. This is known as 'Urs'. This word has one more meaning. Angels - Munkar and Nakir- will ask different questions to the deceased inside the grave. If a believer is able to answer properly to the questions raised by Munkar and Nakir, then they tell the deceased person: "Sleep like that Dulhan (son-in-law) whom none but his or her beloved can awaken". Here 'Urs' has been used to mean the flowery nuptial bed. Perhaps, for that reason another meaning of 'Urs' is having a nuptial night. However, the religious rite organized by the 'Darbar' (monastery) of Awli-Allahs which is called 'Urs' basically on the anniversary of death of the Awli-Allahs to convey sawab resani on the soul of the Awli-Allahs is a highly religious Majlis (congregation). We are also familiar with 'Fateha-e-yazdaham' -the death anniversary of the great Sufi Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani(r). This is a function which is very much full of Barakat (bounteous) and Fazilat (prestigious) and considered fully Islamic. The Fateha which is held on the birth and death anniversaries of Hazrat Muhammad (sm) is 'Fateha-e-Duazdaham' and corroborates the validity of 'Urs' as an Islamic ritual.
(Source: special supplement published in the Daily Star on the occasion of Urs of Hazrat Khwajababa Faridpuri, 1999).(Note- Pic1- 1947, Pic-2 - 44 years ago, pic-3- current)
Hazrat Khwaja Yunus Ali ( Khwaja Enayetpuri)

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical College & Hospital

Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical College & Hospital (KYAMCH) is set on a land of a total area covering 87 Acres (approx.) on the bank of the river Jamuna with a panoramic view and pollution free atmosphere in Enayetpur, under Sirajgonj.
Enayetpur is the holy birthplace of the Great Saint of this sub-continent Hazrat Khwaja Yunus Ali(R) . Millions of followers visit Enayetpur throughout the year to pay their respect. Enayetpur is situated 147 Kms from capital Dhaka and 22.5 Kms from Jamuna Bridge linking Northern and Southern part of the country.
586 Beded Hospital
Equipped with 21 clean room OR
Operating theaters accessible only through Air Shower for sterilization
Fully equipped ICUs and CCUs
Fully equipped General Ward
Central Medical Gas Supply System with all beds
400 rooms for Guest accompanying patients
Central Sterilization Supply Department (CSSD) to decontaminate reusable instruments and linen
Water treatment Plant for pure drinking water
Fully Automatic Laundry System
Nurse Call System
Incinerator for waste management
Fully Computerized Hospital Information System to smoothen hospital activities both operational and managerial
Surgeons, Physicians and Nursing staff are caring to the patients, turning their profession into passion
Five star service all the way
Invasive and Non-Invasive Cardiac procedures
Full fledged facilities in Orthopedic, ENT, Ophthalmology, Pediatric, Obstetric & Gynecology, Urology, Gastroentology, Skin & VD, Laboratory & Imaging, Pharmacy, Mortuary
Priority care in post operative in neo natal and ante natal period
For the first time in Bangladesh, Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical College & Hospital (KYAMCH), located on 87 acres of land, out of city hustle & bustle in a pollution free picturesque surrounding on bank of river Jamuna, the holy birth place of Hazrat Khwaja Yunus Ali (R) Enayetpuri
At KYAMCH we mean and deliver Five-Star service you have never experienced before. It has a track record of hundred percent successes in invasive and Non-Invasive Cardiac procedures.
We ensure affordable world class Medicare facilities at your doorstep.
Welcome to our village
Enayetpur is a thana in Sirajgonj, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. The river Jamuna is passing just beside it. Enayetpur is famous for an Islamic saint named Shah Sufi Khaja Yunus Ali Enayetpuri. This thana has also some villages which are famous for handloom. Here the sharees(female dress), Lungis(male dress) are produced. Among the villages Gopalpur, Rupnai, Khukni, Gopinathpur are main. Most of the people here are related with the loom.
Recently a rich hospital named "KHAJA YUNUS ALI MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL" is providing health services to the people of the whole district as well as other part of the country.
It is the location of Enayetpur High School.