waja Enayetpuri's teachings are highly respected and maintained by thousands of people in this sub-continent, and every year on the occasion of Urs (annual occasion commemorating his death) hundreds of thousands of people congregate at the Mazar (shrine) from far and near to observe the day with due solemnity. The recitation of the Qur’an, Milad Mahfil, prayer for blessings and above all ‘Zikr-e-Qulb’ mark the Urs program.
Now, is 'Urs' Islamic? This question is often raised by fundamental Muslims. We would like to shed some light on this issue.
'Urs' is an Arabic word. In dictionary, a number of meanings are observed. Dictionary meanings of the word 'urs' include walima, marriage, flowery nuptial bed, etc. The above mentioned meanings are found in Logate Sayedi, Logate Firoji or Meshbahul Logate. Besides, the term 'urs' has two other meanings:
1. Union 2. Religious function organized on the occasion of anniversary of death of Awli-Allah or Pir-e-Kamils to have sawab resani (blessing) on their holly souls. In the book 'Perso-Arabic elements in Bengali' edited by Dr. Sheikh Gholam Maqsud, the following meanings are observed: anniversary in memory of a saint. In the Bangla Dictionary, edited by Dr. Enamul Huq and published by Bangla Academy, the following meaning has been given: Holy functions at the mausoleum of Awli-Darbesh.
The etymological meaning of the word 'urs' is union. Awli-Allah or the saints of the mystics of the secret knowledge of Allah go in close contact with Allah just after their death and unite with Him. This union takes place between the lover and the beloved, between universal soul and the pure soul. This union is a very happy one. And, since death helps to materialize this union Prophet Muhammad (sm) said: "Death is such a bridge that brings about union between friends." This great happy spiritual union is the good luck of the prophet and representatives of the prophets, that is, the Awli-Allah, for they hold the status of friendship. They fight with Nafse-Ammara, defeat Nafse-Ammara in this Jihade Akbar (great war against nafs or self), get them free from the servitude of the world, and set at naught all physical attractions and attachment to the material world. The Sufi reaches the highest stage of spirituality and comes closer to the nearness of Allah, attains the pleasure of Allah and holds the status of friendship with Allah. That is why, the mystics enjoy good fortune to become united with the divine soul, i.e. Allah the Exalt just after their death. This is a highly joyous and spiritual union. This spiritual union is willed, for death paves the way of this glorious union. And the day on which the pure soul of the saint unites with the Divine Soul, some religious festivities are observed for conveying sawab resani on the pure soul of the saint. This is known as 'Urs'. This word has one more meaning. Angels - Munkar and Nakir- will ask different questions to the deceased inside the grave. If a believer is able to answer properly to the questions raised by Munkar and Nakir, then they tell the deceased person: "Sleep like that Dulhan (son-in-law) whom none but his or her beloved can awaken". Here 'Urs' has been used to mean the flowery nuptial bed. Perhaps, for that reason another meaning of 'Urs' is having a nuptial night. However, the religious rite organized by the 'Darbar' (monastery) of Awli-Allahs which is called 'Urs' basically on the anniversary of death of the Awli-Allahs to convey sawab resani on the soul of the Awli-Allahs is a highly religious Majlis (congregation). We are also familiar with 'Fateha-e-yazdaham' -the death anniversary of the great Sufi Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani(r). This is a function which is very much full of Barakat (bounteous) and Fazilat (prestigious) and considered fully Islamic. The Fateha which is held on the birth and death anniversaries of Hazrat Muhammad (sm) is 'Fateha-e-Duazdaham' and corroborates the validity of 'Urs' as an Islamic ritual.
(Source: special supplement published in the Daily Star on the occasion of Urs of Hazrat Khwajababa Faridpuri, 1999).(Note- Pic1- 1947, Pic-2 - 44 years ago, pic-3- current)

Now, is 'Urs' Islamic? This question is often raised by fundamental Muslims. We would like to shed some light on this issue.
'Urs' is an Arabic word. In dictionary, a number of meanings are observed. Dictionary meanings of the word 'urs' include walima, marriage, flowery nuptial bed, etc. The above mentioned meanings are found in Logate Sayedi, Logate Firoji or Meshbahul Logate. Besides, the term 'urs' has two other meanings:
1. Union 2. Religious function organized on the occasion of anniversary of death of Awli-Allah or Pir-e-Kamils to have sawab resani (blessing) on their holly souls. In the book 'Perso-Arabic elements in Bengali' edited by Dr. Sheikh Gholam Maqsud, the following meanings are observed: anniversary in memory of a saint. In the Bangla Dictionary, edited by Dr. Enamul Huq and published by Bangla Academy, the following meaning has been given: Holy functions at the mausoleum of Awli-Darbesh.
The etymological meaning of the word 'urs' is union. Awli-Allah or the saints of the mystics of the secret knowledge of Allah go in close contact with Allah just after their death and unite with Him. This union takes place between the lover and the beloved, between universal soul and the pure soul. This union is a very happy one. And, since death helps to materialize this union Prophet Muhammad (sm) said: "Death is such a bridge that brings about union between friends." This great happy spiritual union is the good luck of the prophet and representatives of the prophets, that is, the Awli-Allah, for they hold the status of friendship. They fight with Nafse-Ammara, defeat Nafse-Ammara in this Jihade Akbar (great war against nafs or self), get them free from the servitude of the world, and set at naught all physical attractions and attachment to the material world. The Sufi reaches the highest stage of spirituality and comes closer to the nearness of Allah, attains the pleasure of Allah and holds the status of friendship with Allah. That is why, the mystics enjoy good fortune to become united with the divine soul, i.e. Allah the Exalt just after their death. This is a highly joyous and spiritual union. This spiritual union is willed, for death paves the way of this glorious union. And the day on which the pure soul of the saint unites with the Divine Soul, some religious festivities are observed for conveying sawab resani on the pure soul of the saint. This is known as 'Urs'. This word has one more meaning. Angels - Munkar and Nakir- will ask different questions to the deceased inside the grave. If a believer is able to answer properly to the questions raised by Munkar and Nakir, then they tell the deceased person: "Sleep like that Dulhan (son-in-law) whom none but his or her beloved can awaken". Here 'Urs' has been used to mean the flowery nuptial bed. Perhaps, for that reason another meaning of 'Urs' is having a nuptial night. However, the religious rite organized by the 'Darbar' (monastery) of Awli-Allahs which is called 'Urs' basically on the anniversary of death of the Awli-Allahs to convey sawab resani on the soul of the Awli-Allahs is a highly religious Majlis (congregation). We are also familiar with 'Fateha-e-yazdaham' -the death anniversary of the great Sufi Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani(r). This is a function which is very much full of Barakat (bounteous) and Fazilat (prestigious) and considered fully Islamic. The Fateha which is held on the birth and death anniversaries of Hazrat Muhammad (sm) is 'Fateha-e-Duazdaham' and corroborates the validity of 'Urs' as an Islamic ritual.
(Source: special supplement published in the Daily Star on the occasion of Urs of Hazrat Khwajababa Faridpuri, 1999).(Note- Pic1- 1947, Pic-2 - 44 years ago, pic-3- current)